Black School'd is building a worker co-op of young activist researchers/organizers to erode the basis of anti-Black racism in BC high schools.

This co-op is building a cooperative with youth aged 18-32 working in collaboration with mentors, advisors and community partners as part of Solid State’s network of cooperatives.

Black School'd formally launched in May 2021 as a pilot project with the intention to establish it as an ongoing, multi-year effort, and hopefully one that can be replicated in other jurisdictions. This co-op will be grounded in Surrey to start but its initial mandate will be Metro Vancouver, aiming to expand provincially in time.


Some of Black School'd activities will include, but are not limited to:

  • Develop and nurture a regional network of young people that can inform, guide and develop new anti-racist initiatives

  • Develop and offer teacher training modules

  • Organize teacher-student advisory boards

  • Support the creation of BSUs in high schools + a network across the region

  • Develop anti-racist pedagogical tools for use in schools

  • Offer youth-led anti-racist training for staff, teachers and administrators

  • Provide support and training for Black students

  • Conduct school audits and publish the results both negative + positive

  • Build and publicize a youth-friendly app with resources, info sharing about schools, teachers, administrators, and extant orgs + contact list

Our goal is to forge an effective tool for driving legitimate, lasting and material anti-racist change in BC schools. This new cooperative will be particularly focused on combating anti-Black racism in Metro Vancouver high schools, with the belief that confronting anti-Black racism is an integral part of combating racism in general. Though we will be prioritizing anti-Black racism, we are continually looking for collaborators who speak not only from a range of experience from within our communities but also from within the Black community itself. The impacts of anti-Black racism are felt by all those who understand the need for strong communities committed to empowerment and participation.


Let Her Talk


Studio Pluto